Friday, 21 June 2013

First post


So I have finally started the blog and I thought I would begin with how I found my love for baking.

Coming from a creative family I've always loved making things, and have lots of fond memories of fashioning together bits of paper, glue, sequins, leaves, flowers and lord knows what else I could get my sticky little mitts on - but it wasn't up until just over a year a go that I really saw baking as a creative outlet.
I was invited to my boss' wedding and agreed to make some cup cakes. While bouncing ideas off my friend who had asked me for help, we came up with a few different flavours and just went for it!
I stayed up baking into the early hours, then took the sponges over to my mates the following day and we sat in her kitchen icing all 150 the night before the wedding! They went down really well, and from then on in I've not stopped baking! 

J & K's wedding - The first proper bake

A year later after refining my amateur baking skills a little more, I was asked to bake for another wedding. This time it was for my Dad and his lovely lady! I was flattered and of course said yes!
I won't lie, although I was really excited I definitely felt the pressure and it took a fair few attempts to make the perfect Victoria Sponge. Luckily, I had the help of the mother of the bride to do one of the four tiers - which helped! I think I finally got there but am my worst own critic and still think I could have done better! However, the cake went down really well and I was so pleased with how lovely it looked!

* Four tier Victoria sponge - Dad and L's wedding *

It's great seeing where it all began and where I am with it now, and I'm really looking forward to learning more and sharing my baking wonders (and disasters) with you!

I'll also be adding a few of my fave tunes in every now and then, so look out for the play button at the end of every post.
I like to dance around the kitchen to this one! Quantic - Mi Swing Es Tropical

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